
Solutions for Real World Frontend Problems.

Notes From Multi-Speaker Session on Joomla Selenium Mobile Apps and Online Marketing at Delhi IT Meetup

This Saturday on the 16th of June 2012 I gave an Introductory Session on Joomla 1.5 in the Delhi IT Meetup group at YMCA Delhi, It was a Multi-Speaker Meetup. There were 3 more topics other than mine and here are my notes from the other three Sessions. Mobile Apps: First Presentation was on Mobile […]

Loose vs Strict Typed Languages and a Code Bug

If somebody has worked in in a strict type language like java he would definitely know that function in java have to return type. So lets say we need to define a function for sum of two numbers. We would say: public int add(int a,int b){ return a + b; } Here we are very sure […]

An Apple in a Developers Day

There is an increase in rage on internet around the articles on “Flash not working on IOS” Steve Jobs in 2010 has clearly indicated that ios devices are not going to support Flash and is going with open standards like HTML5 and css3 and javascript for multimedia content on Web. At the same times you can read a number […]

Happy Republic Day : First Dabbling with CSS3

I recently read a post from Lea Verou on css3 Gradients and discovered that she has also created this wonderful tool which is a gift for lot of frontend developers like us. On this Indian Republic day i created my first dabblet with css3 and here is link to that Wishing you all a Happy Republic […]

Understanding Facebook’s Infinite Scrolling page.

I must admit I am a Facebook addict. I personally like to see what my friends have shared on the “News Feeds” page. And if you have currently been very active on Facebook you might have noticed some set of user interface changes they have been doing. I would in this write up like to […]

Building a Printer-Friendly Version of any HTML Page

There are a number of content-heavy sites that you might be visiting each day. Reading articles of your interest and at times print this article. At times you may find a small button at the top/bottom of the article “Printer Friendly Version” when you click on that item. You just get the desired article escaping […]

Reset Stylesheet: How to Handle Cross-Browser Differences?

I discovered a file reset.css in one of our Project’s css folder. I went ahead googling the purpose of this file and found it’s interesting use. Browsers as we all know are different in their interpretation of certain things. Default line-heights, margins font-sizes being some of them. What this means is that a header on […]

Book Review: Programming HTML5 Applications by Zachary Kessin.

This is a small book that introduces you the world of HTML5. It gives you brief overview around what’s happening on the web these days in relation to change in some of the key specifications and all new concepts that are being introduced into the browsers to make them able to support robust Web Applications. It has […]

How to Jump to a section of a Page?

In long pages having large content divided into sections, it’s a good usability practice to provide links to different sections on the top of the page. See this beautiful Site. Here in this one page site News | About Me | Portfolio etc are links that jump you to a section on the page.   Also […]

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